László Tóth, Péter Mónus, Márta Kiszely, Dalma Trosits:

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Seismicity in the Pannonian basin is relatively low comparing to the peripherals and the distribution of earthquake epicenters shows a rather scattered pattern at the first glance. It is particularly difficult to decide whether the epicenters occur at isolated places or along elongated zones however, at several single places earthquakes occur repeatedly. For example, near to Eger (47.9N; 20.4E) at least sixteen earthquakes with more than fifty greater aftershocks occurred over a time interval of some 70 years. Komárom and Mór area (47.4-47.8N; 18.2E), Jászberény (47.5N; 20.0E), Kecskemét (46.9N; 19.7E) and Dunaharaszti (47.4; 19.0E) also produced significant activity over a certain but limited period of time. Moderate seismicity does not necessarily mean moderate size of earthquakes: reports of major earthquakes often refer to heavy building damage, liquefaction (e.g. 1763 Komárom earthquake, M 6.2; 1911 Kecskemét earthquake, M 5.6) and sometimes the possibility of surface fault rupture (e.g. 1834 Érmellék earthquake, M 6.2). These observations indicate that magnitude 6.0-6.5 earthquakes are possible but not frequent in the Pannonian basin (Tóth et al., 2002b).
The study of the recent seismicity is an important element of seismotectonic research. Earthquakes represent the sudden release of slowly accumulated strain energy and hence provide direct evidence of active tectonic processes. However, low and moderate seismicity at intraplate areas generally precludes reliable statistical correlation between epicenters and geological features.
Moreover, as one of the chief contributor to seismic hazard at a given area, detailed knowledge of seismicity also plays an important role in earthquake risk reduction. To be useful, accurately located earthquakes are required. While good information about larger historical earthquakes exists for about the past few hundred years, these are not well enough located. Only modern seismic monitoring networks, capable of locating small magnitude local earthquakes provide the necessary information to close this knowledge gap. The developing database of well-located earthquakes can be used, in one hand, to resolve the tectonic framework and required on the other hand to refine our understanding of the level of seismic risk.
1995 was a milestone in the history of Hungarian seismological observations. The Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. installed a network of high quality digital seismographs, following the recommendations by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). For the first time, this network made it possible to detect and locate such small magnitude local seismic events that it is very unlikely so as to felt events go undetected in most parts of the country.
The present Earthquake Bulletin is a united annual summary report of all Hungarian earthquake monitoring projects. The information in the Bulletin is based on all available earthquake related data provided by different organizations. The geographic region covered is bounded by latitudes 45.5-49.0N and longitudes 16.0-23.0E.

Further Information on Hungarian Earthquakes: www.foldrenges.hu

Copies in original format:

Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, 2025
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2024,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 380 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, 2024
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2023,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 402 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, Trosits D, 2023
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2022,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 394 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, Trosits D, 2022
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2021,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 402 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, Trosits D, 2021
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2020,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 322 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
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Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, Trosits D, 2020
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2019,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 244 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, Trosits D, 2019
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2018,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 262 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, Trosits D, 2018
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2017,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 140 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, 2017
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2016,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 126 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, 2016
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2015,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 132 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
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Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, 2015
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2014,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 140 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Kiszely M, 2014
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2013,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 136 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2013
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2012,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 88 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2012
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2011,
GeoRisk, Budapest, 158 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Bus Z, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2011
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2010,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 140 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
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Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Bus Z, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2010
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2009,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 92 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Bus Z, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2009
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2008,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 98 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Bus Z, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2008
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2007,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 76 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Bus Z, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2007
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2006,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 80 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2006
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2005,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 80 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
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Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2005
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2004,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 94 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2004
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2003,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 136 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Czifra T, 2003
Magyarországi földrengések évkönyve - Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin - 2002,
GeoRisk - MTA GGKI, Budapest, 104 oldal,
HU ISSN 1589-8326 (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9756 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Kosztyu Z, 2002
Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin 2001, GeoRisk, Budapest, p. 77,
HU ISSN 1219-963X (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9748 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Kosztyu Z, 2001
Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin 2000, GeoRisk, Budapest, p. 98,
HU ISSN 1219-963X (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9748 (Online)
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Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Kosztyu Z, 2000
Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin 1999, GeoRisk, Budapest, p. 71,
HU ISSN 1219-963X (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9748 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Kosztyu Z, 1999
Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin 1998, GeoRisk, Budapest, p. 71,
HU ISSN 1219-963X (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9748 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Kosztyu Z, Wéber Z, 1998
Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin 1997, GeoRisk, Budapest, p. 68,
HU ISSN 1219-963X (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9748 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Kiszely M, Kosztyu Z, 1997
Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin 1996, GeoRisk, Budapest, p. 67,
HU ISSN 1219-963X (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9748 (Online)
Tóth L, Mónus P, Zsíros T, Bondár I, Bus Z, Kosztyu Z, 1996
Hungarian Earthquake Bulletin 1995, GeoRisk, Budapest, p. 69,
HU ISSN 1219-963X (Printed)
HU ISSN 1589-9748 (Online)
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